How long has it been?

My blog has officially died... and come back to life! :) I haven't even checked yet to see when my last post was, but I'm sure it was eons ago. This have been moving along in my world it seems. I've been doing my usual thing, but some things are different in my life. Let's see, my roommate, Steph, moved out. She got an amazing job offer in New York City - one that just couldn't be passed up. She decided to take it, and after three very fast weeks, she was gone. My apartment is very strange and quiet these days. Granted, she's only been gone for like four days, but I'm already sad. We had a ton of fun, our little group, and a piece of it will be gone now. What I can say is I am excited to hear all of her amazing city stories and to have one more person to visit when I'm back home!

As for me and my little apartment, it will soon be the home of my high school friend Elysia! I'm very happy to be able to share my home with someone I already know and who I already hang out with just about every day anyway. It seriously cut down on a lot of unneeded stress in my life. I think that's about the biggest news in my life. Besides that, Todd and I recently took a trip to Mexico that turned into a disaster and led us to Las Vegas! We also bought plane tickets to go to his cousin's wedding up in San Fran in the summer and will probably be looking into buying tickets home for my cousin Jason's summer wedding sometime soon also.

Well, that felt good. A much needed post (even it if wasn't all that great). Don't give up on me guys! I'm going to try my very best to get to posting again.


Tracy March 16, 2008 at 11:04 PM  

Moo...I just reread most of your blogs...kind of a walk down blog memory lane :) And you need to keep many exciting things are always going on in your life...keep blogging! You have a great life...take some time and look back on all that has happened since you start this blog....great memories for you to cherish. I love you! Happy Holy Week... :) You are the best....always have been...always will be and your beautiful too!

Twentysomething Words

My name is Amanda and I'm a twentysomething. To some, this may seem young. To me, it's a whole new world. These are my thoughts on life, the world and surviving that enivitable quarter-life crisis.

Past Thoughts