Costume Dilemma

My eyes are officially burning. I think I've been staring at my computer screen for too long - not sure why I'm blogging, since it obviously requires more computer interactions, but whatever, I need to do something else for a bit. This has been the longest week ever. I think a lot of it has to do with the fires and all the stress that it has caused. I'm tired. I need a break...

It's Thursday, so I've decided that I can talk about the weekend. I am really looking forward to this one! It marks the beginning of the Halloween festivites, and I LOVE Halloween (have I mentioned that yet, haha). I still need to get a costume, but here are the options:

1. Storm, from X-Men. This works well with my half-blackness and my ability to create hurricanes by glancing at the sky (okay, this doesn't happen, but it would be cool if it did)
2. A bee. I think this would be fun. Maybe I'll carry around a pot of honey all night. And sting people.
3. A salsa dancer. This was my mom's idea, along with a bunch of grapes, an electrical outlet and a pair of dice (with Todd). She must be thinking of that one time I was the solar system :)

Anyway, I'm sure there are more, but those are the three I am leaning toward. Any ideas? Let me know before this weekend. I have an important pumpkin party to attend!!


Katie Mac October 26, 2007 at 3:41 PM  

I'm voting for the bee. Sounds cute.

Tracy October 26, 2007 at 10:45 PM  

I like the bee and bee keeper idea...very cute...but what about the Hunka, hunka burning love and Elvis, or the Little Red Riding Hood and the Big, Bad Wolf or the magician and the rabbit or day and night or Mars vs Venus??? Huh?? Seriously, I love your look great in it and I am sure it will be a night to remember!! I love you little honey bee.... :) Happy Halloween!


Amanda October 29, 2007 at 11:08 AM  

The hunka, hunka burning love is out of control. I laugh everytime I say it, haha!

Twentysomething Words

My name is Amanda and I'm a twentysomething. To some, this may seem young. To me, it's a whole new world. These are my thoughts on life, the world and surviving that enivitable quarter-life crisis.

Past Thoughts