We're here!

We're in Boston! Quincy to be exact. After a long, dramatic trip, we're here... and I'm SO excited! Quick travel re-cap. Lesson number one = never fly US Airways. I'm pretty sure I said that last summer too, after our flight was delayed in Hartford and Todd and I got stuck in Atlanta for a night, but anyway I'm pretty sure it's the worst airline ever. First of all, Todd had to pull all kinds of strings to get us to sit together. Apparently if you don't book your seats way in advance (which we're pretty sure we did anyway) you have to pay $15 extra dollars to get "premium" seats. That basically means you get to sit in a cramped middle seat that might be next to someone you know. Ugh! Our flight to Phoenix was okay, besides the fact that I lost my license and boarding pass before even making it to the gate! Then, Todd got chosen for a "special" pre-boarding security check. All I have to say is damn terrorists ruining travel for us all! So, the first flight was quick - 45 minutes - but once we got to the airport we saw that our flight was delayed 2 hours for mechanical issues. Obviously my plane anxiety did not deal with this well, so Todd and I headed to the over-priced airport bar for some drinks. I kept overhearing the plane lady talking about the plane getting worked on and I was pretty sure it was going to get cancelled, but by some miracle it pulled up to the gate just before midnight. The flight was super bumpy and Todd and I sat in the emergency row, which meant no reclining chairs, but we somehow slept a bunch. Lin picked us up from the airport and and took us to Dunkin (which I just found out started in Quincy), and now we're at her apartment waiting to go on our historical tour of colonial Boston (okay, maybe that's just me). Quincy is really historical. John Adams and John Hancock lived here. In fact, John Adams' famous house, Peacefield, is here! Check it out:

Yay. I've also been reading 1776, so I'm ready for all the history :)

OK, time to go, but tonight is our dinner cruise on the Spirit of Boston. More updates to come soon!


Twentysomething Words

My name is Amanda and I'm a twentysomething. To some, this may seem young. To me, it's a whole new world. These are my thoughts on life, the world and surviving that enivitable quarter-life crisis.

Past Thoughts